Friday, January 23, 2009

dramatic dreams (dont go baby)

twello hello..

today is my unlucky day.. he got letter from uitm that offer him for further his study at new Zealand... i also hopping that i'm gonna get that letter.. so i wait.. wait...and keep on waiting..

but there's no letter for me.. i was so sad.. sad because i wont get a chance to futher my study with him.. tapi tak pela.. maybe 2Nd intake ade kot.. tapi tak tau la if new Zealand ade 2Nd intake ke tak!

so, hari yang aku hantar die ke airport.. aku rase sedih sangat.. kawan-kawan yang lain pon dapat offer kecuali aku.. kat airport ramai kawan-kawan aku da get ready to get off from malaysia.. the last word that he say to me is 'jangan sedey..nanti b msg through email.. and wait for me..' i don get it the about 'wait for me??' then, die pon masuk kapal terbang and aku pon start nanges..wawawawawa.... sedey..

suddenly i saw him run back to me... and that time i'm totally confused and shock?
but nevermind la.. i dont care about that.. the most important thing is i able to see him again..
rupe-rupenye flight ke new Zealand delay..

ni sume nyer hanyalah mimpi aku pagi tadi..
what a dramatic dream?

this is new zealand


dalee said...

hey my dear aina..apa khabar?kdalee arap aina dan rakan2 berada dalam sihat dan sejahtera...hahah..mesti benggang je baca ayat karangan surat tidak rasmi kdalee neyh...camno skang?assig best??heheh..bdk2 hingusan(shra,alya,leha) sehat??kdalee rindu masa nnt kdalee g jumpe korang keh(biar la korg xnk jumpe kdalee pom),,love u my lalinks...moaahh!

kupukupuKertas said...

mentang2 ade asgmen dramatic angle...
xkn mimpi pn nk dramatic yang oooiiii
p/s: gedik la ko!!

zen'ss said...

biase la...
terbawak2 sampai mimpi nk siapkan assignment..
